Ariel Does The National

Simply Southern 2005

A level 5 hurricane named Katrina, a Casino newly perched on the top of the host hotel, the destruction of Biloxi and New Orleans, there was just nothing that was going to stop the SCA 2005 National Committee. What a wonderful national these folks managed to put on despite all the hardships they had to endure personally and as a specialty. The National for all those observing (who knows what went on behind the scenes) was flawless. The site was great with a view of the river, the banquets were some of the best we have had anywhere. The dogs were beautiful and were there to show and have fun. Van and I worked hard with the 2005 Committee to learn all we could and enjoyed every minute of it. Are we ready for 2006? Not yet, but I think we are where we need to be at this point. We are depending on all of you to help us along. We have a guest contributor this month so here is her view of a National.

Ariel Does The National

Hey everyone, it’s me, Starstruck’s Little Mermaid (Ariel), along with my friends from the SCA Nationals 2005, Simply Southern. This was my first National ever and I had lots of fun. I got to cuddle on beds, play and bond with my Dad, Chilly, watch my friends, and even work the SCA 2006 Silver Dreams Booth. I rode out to Kentucky with my Dad and his relatives from Jim and Celinda’s home. It was fun because we all got to talk in the van on the ride and I learned lots of things about some of my relatives and some things to do that I’m not supposed to tell humans about (Dad made me promise). I heard about events where dogs got to pull carts (some of them misunderstood), herd sheep, and run through tunnels and over jumps. I really want to try those things one of these days, I know how much fun sheep are ‘cause I did that at Ewe-topia a couple months ago, but I think an obstacle course would be real fun and I already know how to pull Mom along so a cart can’t be much harder (it might go where I want it to, unlike Mom). By the end of the days I was really tired and I loved my time visiting other rooms with Mom.

I met lots of new people and made lots of new friends. If you weren’t there, you missed something really special—ME IN MY FIRST SHOW. I could get used to this show stuff, you get treats and lots of attention. Don’t forget the 2006 Nationals are approaching quickly and it will take everyone to make it a success. Get your humans to call and see what they can do to help, then you can have as much fun as I did. See you in Post Falls in 10 months.



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